Top 10 tips For beautiful Hair

Beautiful hair adds a personality type with your image and of course that beautifies. Attractive styling makes the "eye candy" and when visible flakes, you are sure to be another saw reason.Here are some tips for natural hair care that can help maintain healthy locks:

1. nutritious diet and a healthy lifestyle is a "must" if you want to have beautiful hair. Drink lots of water and make sure of protein in their diet, lentils and meat include, for example, are good sources. Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for promoting hair growth, therefore, green vegetables, carrots, and cod liver oil should be included in your diet.

2. Stay away from hair treatments and products. The use of chemicals will ruin the hair growth over the long term; Therefore, he may want to embrace the natural beauty of your hair and find a way for chemicals based in preventing, or at least rarely used treatments.

3. to treat dry or damaged hair, add shine and volume Aloe Vera or try Quark for the plant to use the hair are some of the most effective natural remedies.

4. Keep your scalp clean and oil-free. Shampoo often be enough, 

depending on the smoothness of the skin and the effects of dirt and dust. But also not good to wash your hair every day as I undress of natural oils, which are important for healthy hair growth. So try to find their own balance. Normally range intervals for washing the hair healthy from 3 days to a week, depending on your needs. You can also try to provide a dry shampoo "lazy" in his time.

5 great games with shampoo and conditioner to your hair type. You can be understood only if the product is suitable for you. For a specified period Try to find a good combination of products developed specifically for the needs of your hair type.

6. Do not comb wet hair, because you stop and try to avoid using a hair dryer. It is best to dry your hair is naturally to have, especially in summer.

7. Get a good, just and peaceful sleep. Your hair reflects the fear you go through it; so happy that she is also a "must" if you want to stay away from wild hairdryer.

8. Treat the hair gently. Avoid hard when combing, drying or styling because of difficult moves significantly damaging the locks.

9. Use cold or warm water to wash your hair, because the warm water to the ends of your hair can be damaged, and do not want that!

10. And finally, if you're really determined to take care of your hair,

 try to do good, deep conditioning hair masks regularly, preferably once a week or at least once every two weeks. They can heat treatments with oils that can be made with coconut oil, castor or olive oil; Just apply a little heated oil in the hair roots and spread on lengths to keep the (preferably woven) for at least 40 minutes, then wash your hair, add shine and elasticity.If you sow the seeds of a good care of your hair, you will be rewarded with beautiful, shiny and silky locks!

In addition to the above, it is important to know that our physical and mental conditions affect our appearance. Therefore, we need to cultivate an optimistic attitude and stress to be more charming and attractive positive.

I wish you this useful. Feel free to add their own suggestions for natural hair care to share in the comments below.

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